At the heart of delivering exceptional care to your beloved pets lies a wealth of data-driven insights. Our Metrics & Stats report empowers you to delve into key communication indicators, patient health trends, and appointment outcomes, allowing you to make informed decisions for the well-being of your furry patients and the growth of your practice.
Admins can use this report to get a detailed breakdown of your communications -- what and when they've been sent, how clients are being reached, and any resulting appointments. This report aims to verify how well the PetDesk system is working for your clinic, saving you time with our automated communications, and identifying areas you're excelling in or could improve in when it comes to reaching your clients.
How to use:
Update the Show Reporting For: dropdown to your desired time frame. Compare data over time.
This report will populate with data as soon as your clinic is live with PetDesk, and updates data each time you open Metrics & Stats from your left navigation pane.

Client Metrics
- Breaks down app users vs. loyalty clients
Provides insight to volume of clients with invalid contact data
- Tip: compare your # of app clients to clients with a valid email to determine app adoption %
- Clients are counted for both active and inactive pets - as long as the client record is active
- Digitally Reachable Clients are app users or clients with a valid email or SMS
Non-digitally Reachable Clients (Postal Only) are clients with a missing/invalid email and missing/invalid SMS number and valid mailing address on file and not opted out of Postal communications
Reminder Metrics
- # of digital upcoming, overdue, past due, and postcard Health Service Reminders (HSRs) sent per week for the past 3 weeks
Resulting appointments are calculated by looking at your HSRs sent for the past 3 weeks, then counting any appointments made by clients who received an HSR for a patient within this 3 week time frame
- Appointments are counted by pet, so a client with one appointment for two pets will count as two appointments
- A client who receives a reminder with two or more services listed will count as one reminder
Communication Metrics
- Shows other communications sent to clients other than HSRs
- Quick glance at your Review stats
- Curious about the Net Provider Score? Learn more here!