If you need to reference the Loyalty point history of a particular client, rest assured you can quickly find this info in the PetDesk Dashboard.
Click the Clients & Pets tab on the left-hand panel
Search for the client and click the client's information to open the Client Details
Click the blue Open Rewards button to the right of their name to view the transaction history
When viewing the client’s Pet Rewards Points history, each transaction item is listed as a separate line item including the:
Transaction item name
Transaction date
Dollar amount of the transaction
Points earned or used/removed and total balance
Expiration date for points earned (if the clinic has set an expiration date)
Note: New transactions and accrued points will not become visible to clients in the PetDesk App and to staff in the PetDesk Dashboard until 24-48 hours after the visit and a successful overnight sync.
In cases where a transaction or invoice is modified/deleted within 60 days of the original transaction date, the client’s points will be modified accordingly.
If the transaction has been deleted, the word “Voided” will be added to the transaction item name
If the transaction has been modified, 2 additional lines will be added to the client’s “Pet Rewards Points”
One line will show “Your transaction from (XYZ date) has been deleted by your provider”
One line will show the transaction and points being applied to the total balance again