PetDesk’s veterinary client forms revolutionize the way you manage paperwork, streamline clinic workflows, and elevate the client experience. Say goodbye to manual data entry and time-consuming paperwork and hello to a more efficient and professional clinic operation.
Sending a Questionnaire to a client:
- Log into the PetDesk Dashboard > Forms on the left-hand navigation
On the Forms Dashboard, click the large orange Send Form to Client button
Note: Only Questionnaires can be selected from the Send Form to Client button. Steps for sending Consent Forms are below, or you can create a form package to bundle a Consent Form on a Questionnaire. - Select your desired form from the dropdown list
- Type the client’s name and email (Note: PetDesk recommends sending forms via email. If you want to send via SMS, we recommend texting the form link to clients via Two-Way Texting for better tracking and engagement)
- Optionally, add a note to your client. This note will be displayed above the first question of the intake form
- Click on Send Form
Sending a Consent Form to a client:
From your PetDesk Forms Dashboard, click on Form Templates on the upper right corner and follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Consent Forms section
- Click the three dots in the upper right corner of your desired Consent Form
- Select Send to Client from the pop up menu
You can also open the desired Consent Form as if you were to edit it and then select Send to Client from the menu on the left:
That’s it! 🎉 You’ll be notified when your client completes the form.
Need to send more than one form at once?
Please refer to this article: How to Send More Than One Form at Once