Control all of your forms-related needs from one place - PetDesk! The PetDesk Forms Dashboard allows you to create and manage consent forms and questionnaires, send forms to clients, and view responses.
Interested in upgrading? Contact your Customer Success Manager today!
Access your PetDesk Forms Dashboard by first logging into your usual PetDesk Dashboard. On the left navigation, find the Client Success section > Forms. You'll then be seamlessly logged into the Forms Dashboard.

Once the initial setup for PetDesk Forms is completed, below is the standard view of your Forms Dashboard upon login. Here, you'll also see the latest forms received and any pending forms awaiting clients' responses.

Send Form to Client
Send your created forms to your clients. The exact steps are covered in this article.
See Client Forms
Search for sent and completed client forms with the following search parameters: Client Name, Sent Date, Form, Status, Completed Date, and Practitioner.

Manage Templates
Manage your existing questionnaires and consent forms. View these Help Center articles for steps on creating your consent forms and questionnaires:
Latest Forms Received
Lists the latest forms received, ordered from newest to oldest.
Viewing the Latest Received Forms
Directly view a completed form, or click on the dropdown to Print Form, Print Package (includes consent forms), or Download all associated forms and consent forms in a ZIP file that will include PDFs.

Pending Forms
Lists your forms waiting on a client response.
Viewing Pending Forms
Click the View button next to any form on the pending list. This will allow you to view any responses recorded so far, and to even view real-time progress as your client fills out the form!
Notifications and Alerts
When clients begin to fill out forms, you'll receive a New Event alert across the PetDesk Forms Dashboard, letting you know which form and client responded - and even better - a pop-up alert when a client completes a form!
In addition to alerts, you'll receive notifications appearing in the top navigation.