Veterinary practice owners and managers need access to financial documentation. That's why we've made it easily accessible from your PetDesk Billing Portal.
Invoices & Debit Memos
From the PetDesk Billing Portal home screen:
- Under the Invoices panel, click View All Invoices.
This will redirect you to a page with all your viewable invoices dating back to March 2020.If there's an invoice you’re expecting to see but not displayed, please reach out to our PetDesk Product Support Team to assist.
- On the new page, click the invoice number for the one you'd like to download.
A pop-up screen will appear with your document.
To download a debit memo copy, follow the above steps in the Debit Memos tab after clicking View All Invoices.
Credit Memos
Curious about a credit that we added to your account? Reference it at any time easily from your billing portal in just two steps.
From the PetDesk Billing Portal home screen:
- Click Payments on the top banner.
You'll be redirected to the payments management screen - Click the Credits subtab to view all your credit memos.
sample screenshot
If your account reflects an Unapplied Amount balance, you can claim this credit on your next payment OR (if on auto-pay) we'll automatically apply this credit towards your next payment.
To obtain a copy for your records, email: